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segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011

Command Line Interfaces

Taí um artigo que eu gostaria de ter escrito. Mas já o fizeram muito bem em Recomendo que leiam.

Alguns excertos:
  • "Ease of automation: Most command-line interfaces can easily be automated using scripts."
  • "Fast startup times: Most command-line interfaces beat their graphical counterparts several times at startup time"
  • "Easier to use remotely: Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer to remotely control computers via SSH over VNC"
  • "Higher efficiency: Being able to do a lot by just typing some characters instead of searching in menus increases the efficiency which you are able to do work at"
  • Try to avoid interactivity 
  • Name the program correctly
  • Follow the CLI conventions on arguments
  • "Provide --version and --help"
  • "If a program has nothing of importance to say, then be quiet"
  • "Every program should do one, and only one thing, and do it well"

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